My Web School forums and blog are open for business! Welcome to our 240+ members who went through the first round of workshops. To date our online tutorials have been viewed 441 times so that’s a whole lot of learning going on!
The most popular tutorial so far is Sources of Keyword Data in the Search Engine optimisation section which is good to see because without understanding how to identify your most profitable keywords you are running the risk of flying blind with the rest of your online marketing strategy.
As some of you have already experienced, My Web School members now have direct access to our team of online marketing professionals via our support forums. Some of the recent questions were from Cecile who asked us how to Optimise her business for Google Places and Bill was wondering whether he really needed Google AdWords.
If you have a burning question about your website including content management systems, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Google Places, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media or virtually anything to do with setting up a profitable online marketing strategy then we have a team of specialists that are happy to answer your question via the forum.
I encourage you to subscribe to our blog updates via email so you won’t miss Sara Borghi’s post on Fresh Content Marketing for Small Businesses which will be posted need week. Also our social media for small business tutorials will be hot off the press and ready for viewing in the next 1-2 weeks so plenty of actionable material to strengthen your existing online marketing initiatives.
Don’t forget you can always suggest a new tutorial topic or influence the order of the tutorials being written, just let us know your what you’d like to see in the Requests for New Tutorials forum.