Our latest tutorial (under section 3) is a great introduction to the world of Social Media which we sure you’ll enjoy. This is no ordinary tutorial, you will get a complete overview of what Social Media is and the many opportunities it creates to attract loyal and new customers.
Learn how to create new streams of revenue through building business relationships and establishing trust. You can even find out right now if your business has any passion based on what everyone has said about you!
Word of mouth is the primary factor behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions.
Social Media is ideal for Tourism, after all you don’t get much more social than travel! People naturally want to share their experience through photos, reviews, videos and people also want to learn from OTHERS experience to maximise the chance their carefully planned trip will turn out as they envisage. Most holiday searches will go online and check out the pictures, stories and reviews that are on offer for the region they are researching before making any firm commitments, plans or bookings.
If a picture says a thousand words, imagine what a private album of video, images and comments can do! FACT: A 2010 McKinsey Quarterly report shows that word of mouth is the primary factor behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions.
This tutorial will go through which select few social media sites have been voted the most profitable for your business and WHY. You’ll also learn:
- The best social media sites to use
- Why it’s important to utilise different social media sites
- Leveraging word of mouth
- The powerful combination of TripAdvisor and Facebook
- Business conversations vs. personal conversations
- Business Social Media: List of Do’s
- Business Social Media: List of Don’ts
- Ideas for what to post
- Hubs sites and how they may save your bacon
- Tips for Business Social Media
- Reputation management
- Fuel for Your Content Ideas
This 35 slide tutorial will teach you the basics of what makes Social Media profitable for your business and how you can take advantage of this ever growing phenomenon! (There is even a movie about Facebook now, where will it end?)
What’s next?
When social media goes bad We know how many of you feel about your social media strategy (or lack of) so following hot on the heals of this tutorial we’ll soon be realising two new tutorials:
- Facebook for your tourism business
- Twitter for your tourism business
Each tutorial will provide step by step instructions on how to build your own social media empire!
Don’t forget our online marketing forums are open and available to all members providing you exclusive access to our team of web and search marketing professionals.
If you haven’t taken advantage of the discounted 5 month membership for $88 made available by the AusIndustry Small Business Online Program then I suggest you head over to UntangleMyWeb.com and register for the virtual workshop program today as time is running out!
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